
This week's recommendations:

If you like wargaming, you really shouldn't miss out on this terrific site - The Shell Case.
Some amazing stuff to be seen on this brilliantly put together blog. Follower the founder of the Shell Case on Twitter @TheShellCase.

Previous recommendations:

Week commencing 27th August 2012:
This week, I want to point you in the direction of this blog:
A great wargaming blog, the author of which you can follow on Twitter @DrakePoldragon.


Week commencing 20th August 2012:

Another recommendation goes to @ichibanpainting this week, along with massive congratulations for winning GOLD in the Warhammer 40,000 vehicle category of Japan's Golden Demon 2012 competition. Here's the work of art that did it:

Truly stunning.

Not only that, but he won gold in the Scrap Demon challenge and Bronze in the Warhammer 40,000 single miniature category with this brilliant Grey Knight:

Be sure to check out his Facebook page: Ichiban Painting Studio and his YouTube channel: ichibanpainting.

Keep up the great work! Inspiring stuff!

Week commencing 13th August 2012
Just the one recommendation this week. Click on this link and be taken to one of the most glorious Wikipedia pages you've ever seen: Gamepad.

Week commencing 6th August 2012

Just the one recommendation this week. Another shout out to @ichibanpainting and all the excellent work he does. Check out his latest video here: Ichiban Painting Vlog Episode 10.

Week commencing 30th July 2012
Like it loud? Then head to Reverbnation and my mate's band page: Doused. Yorkshire!

My mate Steve must eat very well if this great blog is anything to go by: Tales of Pigling Bland - A baking blog from his lovely wife Gill, whom you can also follow on twitter here.

Week commencing 23rd July 2012
@warllama40k brings us episode 2 of his Hobby vlog - a look at his wargaming shelves where he keeps all his models and book. Watch the video here.

And @ichibanpainting continues to produce stirling work over on his YouTube channel at ichibanpainting. You can also visit his website here.

Week commencing 16th July 2012
Like Lego? Of course you do. Click here to see something really special.

The bold Robert Florence (@robertflorence) is back with a vengeance writing for Eurogamer and Rock Paper Shotgun. Here's his latest article: Photo Special!

Speaking of Robert Florence........You don't have to do what your mother tells you anymore, cos  Independent Charles is back! Check him out at his new home here: The Independent Charles Show 2.1.

Week commencing 9th July 2012
Chuck Palahniuk: On Writing has thirteen writing tips from the author of Fight Club, Choke and other amazing books. If you've never read his work, I suggest you try it.

A great Blog here from @Jenoir_84 with a recent article about her graduation from her Burlesque class. Check it out at Jenny on a Plate.

Week commencing 2nd July 2012
6th Edition Codex updates for all the Warhammer 40,000 armies can be found here: Errata and FAQs.

And a brilliant article on Tomb Raider and that whole sexual assault shenanigans here.

Week commencing 25th June 2012
Brilliant this - someone's been playing Civilization 2 for 10 years. And the world's a little worse for wear.

And here's a great wargaming blog from @Angryhatters: Angry's Wargame Bunker. Be sure to check it out if you like your toy soldiers.

Week commencing 18th June 2012
Check out Ryan Wilson's music at his SoundCloud page here. Some good tunes to be had. You can also follow him on Twitter: @Ryan_Wilson_100

Check out this new, well written blog about life and where it's going: You can follow its creator on Twitter: @SimonPScott

Week commencing 11th June 2012
An interesting article here from CVG on the Nintendo E3 conference.

Advice on the writing life in this great Live Journal entry from James Swallow. You should read his books too - excellent stuff.

Catch up on @warllama40k's blog here for a look at the iPad Space Marine codex and the recent teaser from Games Workshop on the impending arrival of Warhammer 40,000 6th Edition.

Week commencing 4th June 2012
Simply stunning Pre-Heresy Imperial Fists here on James Wappel Miniature Painting blog.

And check out the Miniature Monday website for lots of painting from the wargaming community. You can also follow on Twitter here.

Week commencing 28th May 2012
Check out this fantastic blog by @docbungle - Miniature Musings of a Bear. Really great wargaming stuff to be found here. Big viewing numbers for the blog - Let's add to it. (It hasn't yet been verified if it is written by an actual bear).
And another shout out for Ichiban Painting with a link to his first Vlog. Check it out: Iciban Painting Vlog - Ep1. Congratulations on the sponsership.

Week commencing 21st May 2012
I have a couple of blogs to recommend to you this week. First up, for "lovers of Vintage, Fashion and things that are just a bit odd", head to a great looking blog, newly set up by Vintage Sweetheart - A Vintage Trader by the name of Kirsty. You can find the blog here follow her on Twitter: @Vint_Sweetheart

And blogging at it's very best over at Something for new bloggers like me to aspire to. You will also find him on Twitter @Documentally.

Week commencing 14th May 2012
Ichiban Painting Studio - A YouTube channel where you'll find some great painting tutorials for citadel miniatures. This chap has some real skills and you can learn a lot from these videos. You'll find the channel by clicking here: Ichiban Painting Studio and you can also follow him on Twitter here.

Here's a sample:

And here's a link to the blog that inspired me to create one of my own: Warllama 40K. Lots of cool things going on here such as reviews of White Dwarf issues past and present. And you must see his Grey Knights. Sweet lord, if only I could paint like that.

Be sure to follow its creator Tim on Twitter @warllama40k.

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